Three Estate Planning Options for Your Art Collection
Collecting art or other valuable items can be a passion for many people. Once you have accumulated a sizable collection, what do you want to happen to it after you pass away?
Collecting art or other valuable items can be a passion for many people. Once you have accumulated a sizable collection, what do you want to happen to it after you pass away?
If you want to pass money to future generations without having it subject to gift and estate taxes, then a dynasty trust may be right for you.
Sports fans with season tickets may want their families to enjoy the tickets after they are gone, but passing on these tickets is not always simple.
Running a small business can keep you busy, but it should not keep you from creating an estate plan. Not having a plan in place can cause problems for your business and your family after you are gone.
A Roth IRA does not have to be used as just a retirement plan; it can also be a way to transfer assets tax-free to the next generation.
As a trust beneficiary, you may feel that you are at the mercy of the trustee, but depending on the type of trust, beneficiaries may have rights to ensure the trust is properly managed.
Being the executor of an estate can be a time-consuming job, depending on the size and complexity of the estate. While a simple estate can take a few months and not require a huge time commitment, if there are problems, the job can drag on for years.
Not everyone needs their required minimum distributions from their retirement accounts to make ends meet. If you don’t need your distribution, one option is to donate it to charity and not pay taxes on it.
Naming a trust as a beneficiary of your retirement plan can be a good idea in some circumstances, but it can be dangerous if you are worried about creditors coming after your estate.
Saying that there has been "undue influence" is often used as a reason to contest a will or estate plan, but what does it mean?